For many of us the summer months mean heading outdoors to enjoy picnics, camping and hiking. But ticks are also getting active this time of year, too! Tick-borne diseases in the U.S. are on the rise. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 40,000 cases of tick-borne diseases were reported in 2015,
Read MoreChoosing Urgent Care
Patient Care Now Urgent Care: Where You are Treated by Board-Certified Emergency Medicine Physicians
If you are experiencing symptoms of an illness or have suffered an accident, consider going to Patient Care Now Urgent Care before anywhere else. Forget overpaying and the long wait times that await you at your local hospital’s emergency room. You can feel at ease knowing all the medical professionals at Patient Care Now are
What Illnesses and Injuries do they Treat at an Urgent Care Center? The doctors at the Urgent Care Clinic should have the knowledge and skills to diagnose and treat conditions including: · Illnesses such as fever, flu, a cold, or a stomach virus · Muscle strains and sprains · Minor broken bones that do not
Read MoreThe Importance of Going to an Orthopedic Urgent Care
What Can Be Treated at an Orthopedic Urgent Care? Almost any orthopedic injury can be treated in an orthopedic urgent care center. Simple sprains and strains may not necessarily need a specialist’s attention, however, until you’ve been examined, you have no way of knowing how serious your injury is. If you go to a
Read MoreDiarrhea: When to Head to an Urgent Care
What Causes Diarrhea in Adults If you are having 3 or more loose or watery stools daily, you have diarrhea. Many of the causes of diarrhea in adults will resolve in a few days, so in most instances you can take care of yourself at home. The following are a number of potential reasons
Read MoreWays to Treat Salmonella
Have you or someone you know ever had food poisoning? If the answer is yes, there is a possibility that it was caused by a salmonella infection. Salmonella is a type of bacteria that is found in the gastrointestinal tracts of domestic and wild animals, including insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It is estimated that
Read MoreAre You Concerned about Dry Drowning?
Drowning is the third most common cause of accidental death in the United States, and children are particularly vulnerable. As would be expected, the rate of drownings increases in the summer months when more people are spending their leisure time near the water. However, parents should be vigilant all the time, because children left unattended
Read MoreWoke Up with Swollen, Itchy, Eyes – Is it Pink Eye?
If you have experienced symptoms like these, you are not alone. Conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, is the most common of all eye disorders, and it affects both men and women equally. While the label “pink eye” actually refers to bacterial conjunctivitis, there are a number of other causes, including viruses,
Read MoreSummer Skin Care: How to Protect Your Family from Too Much Fun in the Sun
Backyard barbecues, weekends at the shore, playing in the park – the best of summer fun starts outside in the sun. We all know about the dangers of too much sun exposure, but are you doing enough to protect your family? Here are some health issues that can result from too much fun in the
Read MoreSpider bites – what you need to look for
Spider bites are no joke, and the warm weather we all enjoy in summer time means more spiders swinging about. Some are just a nuisance, but some are dangerous and bites require treatment right away. Here’s what you need to know about spider bites. Even big spiders are a lot smaller than you (in
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